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Langh Tech BWMS receives IMO approval in record time

The Finnish marine technology manufacturer Langh Tech Oy Ab has received the IMO MEPC type approval certificate for its LanghBW ballast water management system on 12th of May 2022. The type approval project was carried out in cooperation with DNV.

Langh Tech’s main goal is to provide vessels and shipowners with a reliable and highly efficient BWMS, which is easy and affordable to operate and even easier to maintain. Also the suitability to small and complex installation spaces has been one driving factor during the product development.

LanghBW Systems is a ballast water management system which uses fine filtration and UV-C treatment. The unique feature of LanghBW is its ability to utilize one way treatment in sea waters and therefore conserve significant amounts of time and energy during deballasting operations. This is achieved with a highly efficient UV-reactor design and sufficient power reserve which also allows operation in extremely turbid and challenging waters. The other unique feature is the design of the reactor unit, which allows the user to manually clean all the internal parts of the reactor in few minutes time, without any tools required.

We started the product development project in autumn 2020 and now only 18 month later we have the IMO approval in our hands, says Langh Tech Product Manager Mr. Kim Tervonen. We are proud to be one of the few makers in the world who can provide a BWMS with the possibility to treat the water only once, Tervonen continues. The conventional way in UV based systems is to use the BWMS unit both at intake and at discharge, but we have the IMO approval to treat the sea water only at intake, this will save a lot of energy and make deballasting very fast if needed, Tervonen clarifies.

In addition to the IMO MEPC type approval also the USCG approval for the system is expected to be received during autumn 2022, says Mr. Joakim Keihäs, Langh Tech design engineer, who together with Product Manager Mr. Tervonen had a central role in the R&D project.

So far 18 vessels are committed to be fitted with LanghBW system during 2022 – early 2023, with more vessels to come. At the moment, 6 vessels with LanghBW are in operation or in installation. The first vessel installed system has been in continuous operation since June 2021.

For more information please contact:

Kim Tervonen

Product Manager

+358 40 664 1133

Laura Langh-Lagerlöf

Commercial Director

+358 40 583 8874

Pictures can be found in Langh Tech’s material bank.


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