Back from Black Scrubber Seminar

On Tuesday 16.5. Langh Tech hosted a seminar to mark the end of the Back from Black EU-project. Experts from several instances of the maritime industry were present to talk about the different aspects of scrubbers, from legal to practical aspects, as well as to present a few other projects included in the Back from Black project. Langh Tech’s new Crew Training Center in Pikis was also presented for the first time.
On Wednesday 17.5., the event continued with a visit to Langh Ship’s ms Linda in Helsinki, where the guests attended a tour to see the scrubber system in action.
The entire seminar was a great success, and we want to once more thank everyone participating for making it as good as it was.
The seminar had the following presentations:
Opening speech – Mihaela Marcu, Project Manager, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency
General presentation – Laura Langh-Lagerlöf, Commercial Director, Langh Tech
Water treatment technology – Jussi Katajainen, Product Manager, Langh Tech
Scrubber classification – Markku Veistinen, Surveyor, DNV GL
A shipowner’s point of view – Jörgen Mansnerus, VP, Marine Management, Bore Ltd
Why do cruise ships install scrubbers –Jyrki Ristimäki, Senior Superintendent, Technical & Machinery, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd
Continuous introduction and training programs on Langh Ship’s vessels – Priit Saarlaid, Project Manager, Langh Tech
IMO guidelines for exhaust gas cleaning systems and scrubber inspections (PSC) in Finland – Ville-Veikko Intovuori, Special Adviser, Trafi
Proposals for amendments to the 2015 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems – Jorma Kämäräinen, Chief Adviser, Trafi
Tour around the premises – Hans Langh, Chairman of the Board, Langh Group
Presentation of scrubber waste management study – Andreas Slotte, Traffic Manager, Port of Helsinki
Improving port efficiency – Timo Siebahn, Port Operation Manager, Lehmann GmbH
Waste transportation/ handling – Linda Langh, Managing Director, Industrial and Ship Cleaning Services Hans Langh
Presentation of the new Crew Training Center facility
You can watch the presentations below: